Nov 19 2010

Kunming, Yunnan, 1977

1977.05.01 西山龙门下侧 IMG_8924..

Nov 19 2010

Dian Chi Lake 滇池

May 1, 1977

Or Kunming Pond 昆明湖 in Kunming 昆明, Yunnan Province is a plateau lake with beautiful scenery. The lake is 40 by 8 kilometers and is 1,886 meters above sea level. The Kunming Lake in the Summer Palace in Beijing it’s indeed the model after it.

Climbing the Long men 龙门, one of the scenery around the lake. The colored photo was taken by an acquaintance in a travel wechat group, 2024.4.21:


I looked miserable because I was forced to go to Kunming, to live with my Dad for the first time. It turned out to be the only time we ever lived together and was a terrible experience.

May 8 1977

Kunming: near dad’s home


1977.05.02 进所公路旁山上IMG_8917 1977.05.02 进所前路边山上IMG_8915 1977.05.08 去3号宿舍楼 小边旁 IMG_8920 1977.05.08 所 图书馆侧 IMG_8922 1977.05.21 Zoology InstituteKunmingIMG_8883


May 2 1977

Xishan West Hill 西山


1977.05.01 西山龙门内古庙 IMG_8933 1977.05.01 西山龙门旁 IMG_8932 1977.05.02 下午IMG_8910 1977.05.02 西山边旁丛石上IMG_8912 1977.05.01 西山盘山边 IMG_8926 1977.05.01 西山盘山边 IMG_8928 1977.05.01 西山盘山边 IMG_8931 1977.05.01 西山龙门 IMG_8929 1977.05.01 西山龙门 IMG_8930

Apr 24 1977

Kunming: 三家村水库


1977.04.24 三家村水库 IMG_8897 1977.04.24 三家村水库 下午 向北 IMG_8892 1977.04.24 三家村水库 西侧 IMG_8894 1977.04.24 三家村水库 西侧IMG_8908

Apr 17 1977

Kunming: 花红洞


1977.04.17 花红洞  IMG_8887 1977.04.17 上午 花红洞 对面仙人洞山上 IMG_8885 1977.04.24  花红洞 后山小蓄水池 IMG_8905 1977.04.24  花红洞 后山小蓄水池 IMG_8902 1977.04.24  花红洞 后山小蓄水池 IMG_8899