Oct 30 1984

Fragrant Hills 香山公园

Beijing, Oct 30, 1985
I almost forgot about this trip .. upon seeing the picture for the first time (at Renate’s home ..) Pumpkin’s comment was: “Mom, you wear a lot of make up ..”

Oct 6 1984

Prague 布拉格 1984

The capital of Czech, but then it was still Czechoslovakia. It was my favorite city in the eastern block.

Prague 1984 布拉格 [玫瑰][爱心] 惊艳的小城

虽然那时还是捷克斯洛伐克 是贼眉鼠眼东部集团的一员 但是小城特别可爱魅力十足. 人们的依着 体态到小首饰店都没太多的主义味. 也是后来🇺🇸第一个女国务卿 奥尔布赖特Madeleine Albright 的出生地 不会差. 暇意的查尔斯桥: 近几年看到的照片和王府井差不多 人山人海 6⃣️ 橱窗设计 1984! 🐂 教堂里的🎼 🎵 简直了 [强]


Oct 1 1984

Berlin, 1984

Oct 1, 1984

Marx and Engels Plaza / forum on Oct 1, 1984

Bismarck Street on Sept 30, 1984; and a street scene

The 2nd National Gallery since 1968.

Breitscheidplatz, Europe Center & Emperor Wilhelm memorial church, Oct 3, 1984.

Soviet War Memorial (Tiergarten) 柏林苏联红军军人纪念墓, 50m no man zone; and Fernsehturm, the TV tower.

