Feb 28 2014

Parc Hotel and Skyview

On College Point and Roosevelt Avenue page

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Feb 16 2014

Cellar 58

A nice little wine bar on Second Avenue – there are few others for the Valentine’s Day. Afterward we went to Bowery Electronic


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Feb 14 2014

snow landscape

It’s snow white!

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Feb 14 2014

A white Valentine’s Day

It’s snow white!

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Feb 14 2014

Happy Valentime’s Day

An afternoon reading. Tea. Mug. Mag. Snow. Sunshine. Had dinner at Cellar 58. Some roses too, fm January.

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Feb 9 2014

New York in 1940s

Amateur photographer Charles W. Cushman traveled extensively in the U.S. and  abroad capturing daily life from 1938 to 1969.

His works have been donated to and maintained by Cushman’s alma mater Indiana University, which has kindly given us permission to  publish his gallery of New York City photos taken in 1941 and 1942.

They give a great impression of what Chinatown,  the Financial District, and Midtown looked like 70 years ago.

Read more here.

The old Fulton Market, Manhattan's Lower East Side, Saturday afternoon (1941)

The old Fulton Market, Manhattan’s Lower East Side, Saturday afternoon (1941)

Chinese store windows, New York (1942)

Chinese store windows, New York (1942)

Street in New York's Chinatown (1942)

Street in New York’s Chinatown (1942)

Feb 6 2014

Ice sculptures

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Feb 4 2014

black berries and chairs

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Feb 4 2014

A few red berries and tree branches

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