An old house in Shanghai
3 Baoqing Road 宝庆路3号
Shanghai, China
According to the post, this is one of ten old luxury houses in Shanghai 榜上有名的豪宅约有十幢, and there are 3,000 (short for yangfang 独立花园洋房.) The following photos are taken by Hu Ping.
It’s the Shanghai Symphony Museum now 上海交响音乐博物馆. Aunt Jennie started her career at Shanghai Symphony, spending four years there (1956-60) before moving to the Central Philharmonic 中央乐团 (CNSO since 1996). The exhibits in the museum are from the Symphony and Shanghai Conservatory of Music 藏品主要来自上海交响乐团和上海音乐学院. The restoration of the property was rather decent, except the fire place.