Apr 29 2020

It matches

Talking about match 门当户对 … the color of the door and the window shutters match the color of the tree.

On my way to meet my girls, at the small T juncture in the park, this gentleman and I gestured to let other go first. Once he did, I said to myself, gosh, doesn’t he look like Denny DeVito or Joe Pesci? … which brought me to think the recent movie The Irishman. Pesci should have won the Oscar for his role he played in the movie.

Apr 27 2020

A yellow tulip

In the park.

Apr 25 2020

63 degrees

And the parks are rather full, on this spring day. The little shack, the empty tennis courts and more …


Apr 22 2020

Lion King on Earth Day

Today is the Earth Day 🌍 Many gardeners are out working. Oh, the scent of manure is so fragrant. One of the girls sang me the new Lion King’s theme song with different lyric The Liar Tweets Tonight.

地球日 肥料香
万物复苏 … 今非昔比


Apr 21 2020

Best Bagels, 2020

Hooooray they’re open and, in addition to their normal line of products, they now sell bathroom tissues and wipes too. Thank you!

Apr 20 2020

New and recent constructions

Apr 20 2020

B&B, ready

.. -:) oh well … maybe one day.

Apr 20 2020

Modern times

Modern architectural begins with organic architecture that was championed by Frank Lloyd Wright. This house, S. 240 is one of 425 by him that was competed, which was built in 1937 for Ben and Anne Rebhuhn.


Apr 20 2020

Than you heros

Since the pandemic

Apr 20 2020

Biking again!

Estate Park

I haven’t biked since Macau in 2016. The other day, a friend said, “this is probably a good time to pick up again since there are so few cars on the road.”

That’s it, I’m biking. However, my bike needs a tuneup and I need a new helmet.