The foot warmer

Dad’s 85th birthday trip | Dongzhi county 东至/池州, home of my (Popo’s grandpa) gg grandfather Zhou/Chou Fu 周馥 (18371921).

It’s a bone-chilling day. I was invited to a dinner at one of the cohorts’ home, a newly build two story house … but there wasn’t any heat. As I was moving around to keep myself warm, the young host offered me this beautiful wooden bucket. At first I worried that the red charcoal might burn through my soles, the host graciously handed me a pair of sleeper. The wooden bucket is marvelous and does the job well.


The upper floor of the house is yet to finished. The host has a new born son. His parents live there too. A few women are cooking in the kitchen. Did they rent the tableware?

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His dad sat with us for dinner but mom showed up after dinner – to clean up – photo below to the right. At first I though she’s the maid, especially the way the host and the most people there, treat her. Oh well…

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