Shanghai 1985
July 1-11, 1985. I was in Shanghai for the Automotive China’85, staying at Jinjiang Hotel 锦江饭店.
On Nanjing Road, July 10th:
Judging from our cloth and the nature daylight, I must had more than one lunch a day ..
One of my favored qipaos .. ‘姚微 是黑白配,好看 – 黑衣女孩我上海的小姐姐(爸爸同学的女儿)现在澳洲 ..’
With YZ’s friends .. 红衣女孩家是北大地质系的住在中关园,考在上海交大,现在美国,叫钱美意,你帮着找一下
April 1st, 2018 at 3:31 am
Irene, I was also in Shanghai in 1985. I am an Australian was working at the Airport as a helicopter engineer and although it was difficult times, it was the most memorable and best experience of my life.
August 22nd, 2018 at 12:05 pm
Hi Todd, sorry for the tardiness. When you posted this I was in Shangahi -:). Although a very different city now, at core it’s still Chinese …