Europe 1982

With my less than ideal travel document DI, I was lucky to secure my first visa to United Kingdom, that launched my travels, to Europe and later to Japan, and then US.

The visa was issued on July 8, 1982 (use by Oct 8, 1982). I rushed to the visa office as soon as I received the letter. However, the paperwork seemed slower than the snail mail, the window clerk said apologetically that I would have to come back later, “give it day or two, till we get the paperwork.” ha ha ha.

Even Sri Lanka was stringent granting a visa, required tourist has US$1,000 on hand. Were they kidding or what? Their GDP Per Capita was only US$309!

Oh well.

During this trip, I visited

~ 9.23 UK, London, …
~11.20 Italy: Venice, Florence, Rome
~11.27 Athens
~ …

Upon arrival on Sept 23, the immigration officer at Gatwick granted me two months stay. I left London for Italy on Nov 20 to Milan; then took train to Venice, Florence and down to Rome for a week: Nov 20-27. The Italian visa was obtained in London, issued on 16 Nov 1982 (use by Nov 30, 1982).

Then I went to Athens for two days (Nov 27 and 28) and took the Thai airline home. The plane stopped by Bankok, dropped off and picked up few passengers. When we finally landed in Hong Kong, it was nearing mid night. The airport was deserrted but there were plenty police. As if they were expecting a drug bust.

Most people were in shorts and t-shirts, except me, in a winter coat because I wasn’t feeling well.
So, the custom officers picked on me.
They searched my small carry on luggage thoroughly – I always travel light. One agent played nice cop and other bad. They looked at the heels of my shoes, poked my napkins .. then decided to send me to a room.
I was kind of sleepy and clueless.
I waited in the cold room for a while, a female agent came in and asked me to jump over a small chair (?).
That was some memorable conclusion of a trip.


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