Disney Concert Hall

111 S Grand Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90012

Will return.

Been here a couple of times but never found a concert we liked, until today. I thought the chamber music would played in the smaller venue but in main hall. It wasn’t packed.

The venue is wonderful, especially the outdoor garden. They offered little wine prior to the start and we chatted with a few female concert goers. First two are friends, both widowed and live near by. They suggested Vespiao for dinner. Then two separate female joined us, one Chinese who said she’s on board of the Library, and confirmed the homeless people using the bathroom at the Central Library. She also insisted to talk to me in Mandarin.

First half of the program was modern and second was Beethoven. The acoustic is wonderful.

Interestingly, the ride to the hotel afterward, the female Uber driver has classical music on -:) thank you!

Disney Hall 几次来都没有碰上想听的音乐会. 这次室内乐以为会在其它小室 … 有些空空旷旷

回来的Uber女司机放古典音乐: 第一次. 投其所好 还是自己喜欢不得而知. 下车前特别谢谢了她 [愉快]
开演前的酒会聊天时一人说是说她是洛杉矶图书馆的董事. 俺赶紧问无家可归的事.
嗯 是事实… 苦于无计可施
是呀?I feel your pain. 纽约图书馆好像没有吧? 还是俺out lah

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