Budapest, Ponty u. 1, 1011 Hungary
… more pix on Google Maps, TA
The worst restaurant during the 2 week long trip, ahead of Field in Prague.
Def Will Not Return: terrible ribs, and the restaurant rebutted my review on Google Maps within an hour and claim $100 is their average cost of meal. Are you kidding?
We were eight minutes early than their 6pm opening, after visiting the Fisherman Bastion, they’re kind enough to seat us.
The smoke from their grill is suffocating – not sure this is daily occurrence or one time thing – the surrounding area is residential, plus the hotel. Outdoor seating only, with lots bugs 🐜 🐛 🐞 – I understand the meaning of ‘outdoor’ but most out door placed I dined, have no bugs, or very few.
Good stem: they’ve three markers on the glasses (a first for me), wondering which wine would pour to the top marker? Ours are to the bottom one. The young lady pours in uncertainty – pours, stops, looks, then repeat, as if it’s her first time (a first time for me also). Three 🍷 we’ve are ok.
For food, we’ve:
- Tuna and octopus appetizer: tuna is very delicious, would have it again. The octopus doesn’t taste fresh. –
- Ribs (45 min cooking time) is terrible with many gristle. –
- pork is ok – two sauces are good but have them better elsewhere
The waitress did tell me that the ribs are chewy. I don’t mind chewiness and always go for bones – fish on the bone, short ribs, etc. are my faves. Not this one – don’t know what kind of meal they’re serving. Part of it is uncooked and after cooking more, it’s still too raw.
The bill came at 127.94€, with many taxes – UMO can you pls explain what are they? With terrible ribs, I seriously regret that we didn’t stay at Fisherman’s Bastion for dinner with killer views.
PS 11:37pm I got a reply or rebuttal from UMO (see the screenshot). For reason unbeknown to me, it isn’t published
Thank you, Umo for your reply. Among many points, they wrote
“… The prices are usually in Budapest average.”
Are they kidding?!?! I googled their gdp per capita which is $18,728 (WAY below Czech at $26,821, where we just visited; and dined at La Degustation, which is a real Michelle star restaurant – see my review there) and the US where we’re from, is at $70,248. We also dined at Hoppa last night, which was our first meal in Budapest, pls see their bill – no tons of so called taxes. WHO’s legit? Ok I visited Budapest in 1983 … it’s been a while … so many changes have been made. But pls … be real, and be realistic …
2024.4.26, still can’t post on Google Maps