Feb 27 2015


103 west 77th street
new york, ny 10024
phone: 212.362.3800

Love the water glass, although the neck could have been a bit longer. A nice day to take a walk in the park. We also visited the exhibit at New York Historical Society on Chinese immigration to USA

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Feb 27 2015

Central Park under the snow

We’ve been having cold snowy weather for a while. The Central Park is a good prove. More pix on FB. 北国风光 千里冰封 万里雪飘 (千里 should be 钱里?) 银装素裹, 玉树琼花, 份外妖绕. More pix

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We had lunch at Dovetail and visited New York Historical Society where the Chinese American: Exclusion/Inclusion (September 26, 2014 – April 19, 2015) is the current exhibit. Wenxue City

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Feb 15 2015

Some cute signs

2015.10.28 Sonoma CA

2015.10.28 Sonoma CA

2008.10.30 NYC 6th & 38th

2008.10.30 NYC 6th & 38th