Aug 14 2011

Hello New York!

Last day in Hong Kong, we got a blue sky dotted with white clouds. I got my swim in. This year, the club at Jennie’s complex charges HK$10 per session on weekday and $15 on weekend. In the morning, we went to 尖沙咀 Tsim Sha Tsui again. Stores open pretty late, at 11 or even 12.

I haven’t been able to reserve seats on the flight home, and the prospect isn’t sunny: only few extra leg room seats were available at additional US$100 each. I actually don’t like the extra leg room seat. On my last long flight home I got one (without paying for it, or unaware ..) and I was happy to exchange to a regular seat. When I got to the Terminal 1, I had problem to check in from the kiosk. However, the counter clerk was able to get us two separate window seats. Hmmmmmmm … I wondered how could they find seats when the chart showed none were available.
“.. there are canceled seats, such as customers on a delayed fight .. ”
Whatever or whichever.

Again, the airline, checked our carry-ons before the gate, claiming it was the requirement of the US Government. Didn’t we finished off Bin Laden?

Pump and I sat separately. After the dinner, I dosed off to sleep. When I wake up, there was only little two hours left to New York. I was happy!
We landed on time. However, the immigration was a long long wait. After we waited on line for about 10 minutes, an older Chinese woman with few kids came from behind. Pushed us aside and walked pass us. First I thought they were joining the rest of the family ahead of us. But they stopped few spots in front of us, by themselves. Then an old Chinese man did the same, joining them. Hmmmmm… the lousy line cutters. With kids in toe. Good example. When it were their turn to go to the immigration officer, and airport/immigration staff checked their passports and sent them elsewhere. They waited on the wrong line. Chinese respect their elders but what do we do when the elders don’t know how to respect themselves?

Aug 12 2011

The exchange rate

Yesterday I exchanged 200 RMB for HK$223.8 at the rate of 1.119 at Hong Kong Exchange, one of many little windows at the shopping areas.

Aug 12 2011

What did Citi Bank do?

Not sure what did Citi Group do to warren this protest in Hong Kong. Actually I saw this in my last year travel there too. Due to Lehman Brothers? I couldn’t remember the third picture was about Citi or someone else.

834 853

Aug 12 2011

Star Ferry



820 825 824 829 830 833 849  855 857 859 861 862   836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848

Aug 11 2011

Auntie Jennie’s apartment

Aunt Jennie”s home is pretty neat.


799 802 814 812 811 810

Aug 11 2011

Hong Kong

741 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 740

Aug 10 2011

Victorian Home 老洋房


Victorian Home Garden Restaurant 上海老洋房 (lao yangfang)
No 27 ShaoXing Road, 绍兴路 27号 (one way street, from 陕西南路 South Shaanxi Lu );
Phone: 21.6433.1010; 6433.3506

I discovered this Laoyangfang as I was exiting the Old China Hand Reading Room next door, also using the 27 ShaoXing Road. This garden house was built by the prominent Shanghai gangster Du Yuensheng 杜月笙 for his fourth wife, an opera singer. Du was famous for his mild manner and passion for opera, among few other notable characters.


When Yishi called to make a reservation, she was told it’s fully booked. I liked it so Pump and I went there at 5:30. The manager said,
“Oh, I only one table, it might be too small, why don’t you take a look?”
It’s a corner table, looking out to the deck and gold fish, with four settings. Guess it’s ok for three, no?
上海本帮菜 .. means causal meal, but now many people enjoy it to a point, it became a cuisine. I don’t like Shanghai cooking for it’s too oily and sweet. But I thoroughly enjoyed my dinner there, small portion and good presentation, and yes, they’re delicious.

720 733 732 731 730 729 728 727 726 725 724  722 718 738

Aug 10 2011

Shanghai Tianzifang 田字坊

A pretty bohemia place
704 707 708 701 702 703

Aug 10 2011

Shanghai 大上海

Hu 沪 is the most populous city in the world with 24 mil residents, as of 2015 (New York City’s 8.5 million).

  • 2016 Oct
  • 2016 March
  • 2014
  • 2010

604 603 639 638 637 636 635 634 633 632 631 630 629 628 627 626 625 624 623 622 621 620 619 618617 615 614 613 612 611 610 609 608 607 606 605 588 587 601 600 599 598 597 596

Aug 10 2011

Hair cut in Shanghai

I just can’t believe my nose for a good hair salon – have an hour to kill before dinner in the French Concession, we came up on this place, ¥7. I never fuss with my hair must be the reason.

708  710 709711