May 31 2014

Mobile wifi router

We went to shopping in the morning for a SIM card for the mobile wifi router. 联通 sells

May 31 2014

Hotpot 海底捞

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May 31 2014

Shangri-La Dialogue

The Shangri-La Dialogue (May 30 – June 1 in Singapore) filled the airwave in the main stream media.  Jap PM 安倍晋三 Abe Shinzō seems to be the main character. It also mentioned 南海九段线 a lot.

May 31 2014


May 31 2014

A local small market

The long reddish fancy mango tastes rather plain.

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May 31 2014

The badminton night

Chinese Academy of Governance 国家行政学院
(China National School of Administration)
6 Changchunqiao Rd, Haidian, Beijing, China

More pix on piwigo
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The sport complex there is petty nice. It has

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We went for a swim before; afterward we had dinner at Haidilao; spent the night at Yishi

May 30 2014

To Beijing

The flight offers good range of movies, The Wolf of Wall Street to Her, to 12 years of slaves, some 2014 movies.

We landed in BJ ten minutes passed the scheduled time at 8:20. But the luggage would take 1.5 hours to arrive. The airport bus cost

May 30 2014

First day in Beijing

After lunch, we visited siheyuan in Xisi.

May 30 2014

Tips to visit Chengdu 一个成都人整理的成都攻略

By a Chengdu native


May 29 2014

Beijing airport bus

It’s very convenient,