Jun 22 2009


By Parker Hsu. I’m posting it here in case FB doesn’t work while I’m in China.

Let me get back to travelling literature again. I discussed a little bit about travel gudebooks and travel authors in the previous 2 articles. The center piece of traveling is that how much discovery/ inspiration you might get from the places you have visited.

Xidi,hongcung villages are the places I fell in love dearly and the sweet memory just kept coming back to my mind from time to time. Why dont I record nice things happened before and leave more room for future nice things?

The following is taken from someone else blog, which I am quite impressed by its clarity of writing and accuate description of village characters. So, again, I take the liberty to collect it into my library and also share it within fb community.


Jun 4 2009

Nicaragua day 6: Thursday, May 21, 2009

Last day ..

Apoyo Lagoon day.

We woke up to it every day, and pictured it so much, physically and mentally.

A clean and lovely lake inside of the crater of Apoyo Volcano in Nicaragua (between the departments of Masaya and Granada).

Unfortunately, there isn’t a cable to glide down 🙂 .. so we went on wheels.

First stop at the Norome, the high end hotel (or hostel) in the area.

filing down to the shore p1040576 p1040577 dsc_2602
Kamijo San took us to his favored spot: a rocky area with springs. He encouraged DQ to buy.
He immediately went to work, digging the hole. We brought bagful eggs to cook .. well

Jun 3 2009

Nicaragua day 5: Wednesday, May 20, 2009

dsc_2310 dsc_2304

We started the day early.
The Nica recycles the school buses fm the US, and they expand to include the usage of the roofs too. Pretty cool.
We first stopped at a gas station for fuels: coffee for humans and oil for the van. Unfortunately it’s too early. Then upon close inspection, even it opens, the coffee won’t be good …
coffee rosa
Btw, I brought two kinds of coffees from the supermarket. Golfer tried Segovia
“Hmmm .. very good.”
So they’re good.

Jun 2 2009

Nicaragua day 4: Tuesday, May 19, 2009

TerryTerry is the developer for the four houses at Casa Kitwan de Apoyo, on the cliff over looking the lake Apoyo. DQ