Feb 29 2016


The airfare on Cathay Pacific (HKG: 0293 HK$12.98) from San Francisco to Hong Kong, then Taipei, and returning from Beijing is exactly double the amount of JetBlue (JBLU US$20) from New York to San Francisco. But CX allows two pieces of luggage. Two meals. Entertainment. Wine. Snacks such as Toblerone, Ferrero Rocher and cup noodles. Oh, also prettier girls. JetBlue serves water and chips. The flight attendants are much older. I’ve nothing against it but just stating the fact.

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Aerial view

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Feb 29 2016

Sausal Creek

This little stream is next to Dimond Park in Oakland. Houses on the steep cliff, don’t know if I could sleep tight in the night. The dogs are enjoying the walk too.

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Feb 29 2016

Dimond park

The Dimond Lion’s outdoor pool, off Wellington St, opens year around.  The construction is to clean up the creek, putting in bathrooms, etc. Hope next time I can visit it.

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Feb 29 2016

Wellington St off Park Blvd.

Some charming houses and landscape in Oakland CA, on a froggy morning. The New York Times on the driveway. Very hilly.

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Feb 28 2016

Lake Merritt @ Oakland

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Feb 28 2016

Trader Joe’s

This one located near the lake Merritt is packed to the brim. My good lord. It looks like a third world country with short supplies. The shoppers, as well as the manager said, this craziness only happens on Sundays.

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I got six bottles for China since dad has checked in luggage.


Feb 28 2016


imageSunday morning catching a 9 o’clock flight should be a piece of cake. But as soon as we approaching the departure (at the terminal) we’ve to halt to a full stop. All lanes were packed and people were getting off (from cars or vans) on the left lane. It’s just too crazy.
Once inside, omg, more lines. As if everyone is leaving New York. Packed. Packed. And packed. I waited about 30 minutes to get to the security check point. There were two short liens at either side: for $10 additional or some membership or ticket type, you can cut the line. Talking about class.
The inside of the JetBlue terminal is spacious and well lighted – it’s a sunny 60 degree day. Banks of tables with changing outlets and tablets. There are holders for iPad as well. Nice design for the road warriors. Saw a bird while waiting: a lost soul – how did it get into the terminal?

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The flight isn’t fully booked.

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from Utah


Aerial view of Oakland, CA

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Feb 26 2016

Tiffany at Americana

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Champagne and more.

Feb 22 2016

Lake Pavilion 3

The food at this Flushing restaurant is decent, as usual. For reasons unknown, we waited for two hours before they finally served us. Then all dishes pilling up. I don’t understand, why couldn’t they served the cold dish first, then pacing out the remaining. It’s just so unappetizing.


White paper napkins for lunch and cloth for dinner.

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The drinks.  A must at a meal.

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Feb 22 2016

Fake trees and after hour at Lake Pavilion

The most memorable sight at this restaurant has to be the fake trees in the parking lot.


The pink cloth is wrinkled …


Inside, they use the plants to decorate.

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After the hour, it’s the staff’s lunch. They eat separately by uniform.

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A staff is inserting the chopsticks into the paper slips. Is it necessary? Wearing stocking when on sandals – I think putting them on the rest is good enough, without the paper pockets.

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There are few wall cabinets filled with wine but most bottles have name tags. Maotai and Wuliangye are $250 & $150, and Louis XIII  13 is $3,500

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