Jun 20 2017

Oxford University 牛津大学

My research trip: A heaven. Love it dearly.



Jun 8 2017

Vault and Garden

University Church, 1 Radcliffe Sq,
Oxford OX1 4AH, UK

5 visits – meals and tea/coffee – at this lovely cafe during my 3-day research at Bodleian library – just enjoy it that much. Convenience plays a role too. It’s inside the Oxford Uni first congregation house dating back to 1320. Comfortable inside and outside; yummy food and drinks; cheerful staff. Delicious bread; beef stew is tender and flavorful. Salmon (Lox) is fresh. Decent utensils.

The only complain is, too large a portion – have they been Americanized? Ha ha ha.

Feeling sad to have to leave … wondering if I gaze longer at Radcliffe Camera, can I finish my books sooner?


Jun 8 2017

Alternative Tuck Shop

24 Holywell Street
Oxford OX1 3SB
United Kingdom

A pleasant, tiny sandwich shop on a quiet street corner (@ Mansfield Road) in Oxford. It’s on my way to the library everyday, so I stopped by once. Although it’s cute but once is enough for me – bit too sweet. Vaults is my favorite, hands down.


Jun 8 2017

Walking Oxford

Opium Den Chinese restaurant in Oxford, and my tea. Hotel 50 Bowery in New York has just opened and a bar on site is opium den themed and, you got it, controversy followed. Can’t believe the Brits have more humor than the Yankees.


The King’s Arms is filled with kids all the time, opposite from east side of Weston Library.


near the bus depot

my daily commute … on Mansfield Road, and the path



Jun 8 2017

Blackwell’s Bookshop

23-25 Broad Street,

This is British academic book retailer and caters to the libraries. It was founded by Benjamin Henry Blackwell in 1879. Its location is Oxford is next to Weston Library  and opposite from the Sheldonian Theatre.

Blackwell’s Art and Poster Shop at Oxford’s Exeter College @ 27 Broad Street. The 7 foot tall Ironman statue on top of the roof is by British artist Antony Gormley.

The few days  I was there, weather has been cooperative, showing some New York blues -:)  Walking around the Oxford is relaxing and pleasant.


Jun 7 2017

Weston Library

Broad Street
Oxford, OX1 3BG,
United Kingdom

This research library is part of Bodleian Library; cross street from the Clarendon Building.

First, get a library card. And swear (not to remove from the Library, or to mark, deface, or injure in anyway… – the book has all kind of languages under the sun.). Then deposit your belongs, then you can go to the library reading room on the second floor.

Once there, I pray the hours go slowly – no one has enough time in a library.


Jun 7 2017

Ask Italian

5 George Street
Oxford OX1 2AT
United Kingdom

An average Italian restaurant – a casual dining chain in U.K. – few locations in London. Maybe a 3.5 rating – for the cool wine glasses. We’ve Malbec which was inexpensive and delicious.

Pleasant decor, pretty delicious food with large portion – again, I’m wondering if they’ve been Americanized – colonized -:) ha ha ha very funny Irene. I have two small plates: pawns and stuffed mushrooms. I thought each can pass on as main course.


Jun 7 2017

The Turf Tavern

4-5 Bath Place
Oxford OX1 3SU
United Kingdom

It’s an easy walk from my hotel. One end is the Bath Place – a 17th Century hotel on Holywell St., going through a very narrow path, and the other end is New College Lane. I only had a drink, didn’t take any food – bar isn’t my thing. Very old, pretty charming.


Jun 7 2017

The Sheldonian Theatre

This round architecture was built from 1664 to 1669 for the University of Oxford, design by Christopher Wren. It’s next to Clarendon on Board Street, opposite from Blackwell’s bookshop.

I took in a concert by Oxford University Philharmonia (

Jun 7 2017

Bodleian Library

Broad Street
Oxford, OX1 3BG,
United Kingdom

I did all my research at Weston Library, cross street. Bodleian LibraryBodley as for Sir Thomas Bodley or simply the Bod is one of the oldest in Europe, with more than 12 million books and documents, second only after the British Library. It has been a fave location for film makers. The most recent ones are the first two Harry Potter movies. Schola Moralis Philosophiae /School of Moral Philosophy, the door way for staff, inside the Schools Quadrangle. The library quadrangle is behind the Clarendon Building.



The gate and some of the coats-of-arms of several Oxford colleges.