Multiple road that jammed with traffic, only 30 years! This is Zhongguancun Street 中关村路. Used to be sleepy and quite, single lane, only 332 路 bus ferrying us from Beijing Zoo to the Summer Palace. Ha ha ha .. that’s a life time ago.

中关村大街; June 30, 2011
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Or the half shirt isn’t girls only outfit. It’s been popular in Beijing for decades. Middle aged men in particular favored this type of dress in the hot summer day – exposure their abdomens. Call it belly shirt, midriff shirt, they just pull up the bottom of their regular shirt to show their six packs or not. Pump said she could make good fortune selling tummy tops.

no comments | tags: Clothing 衣 | posted in Beijing 北京
This little restaurant was on 小经厂胡同, off 鼓楼东大街 the Gulou Dong DaJie, East of Gulou Blvd in Drum Tower. Two blocks away from the northern end of Nan Luogu Xiang 南锣鼓巷 – South Luogo Alley.

It’s in a courtyard house, both in door and out door dining. They offer no menu. Dinners are half and half (non Chinese). Delicious. Small portion.
More pix on FB and in the gallery.
no comments | tags: Food 食 | posted in Beijing 北京, General: Food & Drink
The Site of the Pan on a weekday afternoon seems very tame. Near by is the Beijing Guwan Cheng, 古玩城 Antique Town, mostly jade

Chanel #5

a slow day

bath .. an art work
More pics
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A quick lunch at a local restaurant by Taoranting 陶然亭 before Yishi heads back to her business trip. It’s delicious, cost 576 RMB.
no comments | tags: Food 食 | posted in Beijing 北京, General: Food & Drink
Terminal 3. Wow, it left our JFK in the distance, like the third world. AND the luggage carts are free and abundant. Who’s decision to charge the cart at the major airport? Oh ya right, every soul in the world carries our Greenback.

Overseas college ad for the kids: there is an easy way out. Israeli airlines.

My Xiaoyi and Yifu came to pick us up. The parking lot felt like any garage out here in Long Island, Porsche, BMW, Benz, Audi (dah), Jeep, Cadillac .. and sure the majority is Japs and local makers; but the prosperity is clearly fuming.
Xiao Yifu paid the garage and exited. Then a few moments later, paid the airport fee (the usage fee or what for the highway?) and left the booth. Then he stopped the car right there. got out. went to the truck. took few bottles of water (for us).
It’s about 9 pm. The high way in front of us wasn’t busy but there were cars. There were cars coming out of the booth behind us too. No one honked. I was bewildered; he didn’t even bother to pull to the side to do this business. Never mind that we said we weren’t thirsty. IF I knew this stunt, I’d scream my heart out to assure him we were properly fed and watered by Cathay Pacific.
no comments | tags: Transportation 行 | posted in Beijing 北京
Apply for the visas are difficult. Picking them up aren’t any easier. There wasn’t long queue out side of the building. So I breathed a relief. But once inside, I felt it’s going to be another trying day.

First, waiting on line to get a number that gives you the right to wait on an endless long line to pick up your visa. The actual digits mean nothing.

If anyone who’s been to the Chinese consulate in New York, probably recognize the photo room on the first floor, next to the bathroom in the corner. You guess it right: the line (after picking up a number and now to pick up the passport) ends up there. The actual window to pick up our passport is on the other end of the room. The line was so long, that we touched all four right angles of the rectangle room.
One would think the consulate would try to ease the crowds by opening all the windows, to serve the people 为人民服务. But no, lady told me impatiently
“They are out to lunch.”
It’s only 11:23am.
Ok, they might have the habit eating early. But we are not talking about one time thing. This is an on going business ..

After nearly two hours wait, I finally see the little light at the end of long dark tunnel: the window.
I shall consider myself lucky because I didn’t have to wait out side. One guy behind me said, he experienced all kind of weathers, from burning suns to pouring rain to freezing snow ..
Another guy on line said loudly, next time we run into Peng Keyu, we shall complain.
A great idea since he’s everywhere, here, and at NYU.
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In New York

June 17, 2011; Madison Av @ 48th Street
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The elevated High Line Park cuts through people’s livning rooms. It’s very pleasant to walk on it but not sure about the people whose apartments are below it.

.. still vacant?

the cover up
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.. and the arts too from and around the High Line Park. More pix on FB

Who’s ..?

Frank Gehry’s design for IAC

an artist or vendor or both?

the dress down

Did she say yes?

getting married

the guests
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