Jun 27 2014

Germany, Paris, China

IMG_2975On Lufthansa, NY-FRA-BJ-NY $1,722.70

Jun 25 2014

Going home

在外招摇撞骗 蹭饭一个多月,激起民愤是溜之大吉的时候了. 非常感激亲朋戚友的热情招待 令我 好吃好住好玩好开心. 35年 弹指一挥间,有缘再见到好多童鞋,激动不已。友情万岁 微信万岁

谢谢难忘的一晚 友情美酒佳肴,人生顶峰,谢谢。纽约见?

Three pathways to the aircraft, to the same one that just landed (from Frankfurt that’s lands at 8:10am). We pulled out of gate at 10:25am. Waited for 30 minutes than take back to the gate, to repair a bathroom heater. Left the gate at 12:04pm. Finally take off at 12:20pm – scheduled at 10:30am. There is an annoying noise to the right side – 57K, window seat. Not full. We land at Frankfurt at 3:40pm – scheduled at 2:45pm. The Airbus 300 is pretty comfortable.

The 747 Frankfurt to New York route is decidedly shabbier and full. At 7:45pm – scheduled at 19:50 or 7:50pm, we land at JFK. The trend, I see regularly is the flight always arrives early. Don’t know if the airlines purposely extend the flying hour to hide the delays. Wait for a gate for more than 45 min. And another hour for our luggage.

Something needs to improve.

The airlines can hide delays .. but how can they deal with those delays?

Jun 25 2014

Aerial view of Frankfurt

July 24, from Beijing to Frankfurt, with 晶晶’s cell phone – my battery had died.
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Jun 25 2014

The Bergpark Wilhelmsh

In Kassel Germany. Front page news on their local newspaper that weekend. A few pix on FB.

How did they get the water up the Herkules Monument back then?

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Jun 24 2014

a bike

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Jun 24 2014

Flowering House Courtyard Hotel

No. 23 Huageng Hutong, Jiaodaokou East Street, Dongcheng, Back Lakes (Hou Hai), Beijing, China 100007

2014-06-24, more pix on piwi, and the previous one

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Jun 24 2014

Canzheng Hutong

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Jun 24 2014

Lufthansa’s imprint

I took the light rail to the airport because the bus refused to sell me a ticket: she thought it’s too tight and risky. The light airport rail cost RMB(

Jun 24 2014

Icbc; elder housing


Y0022 at
Forms are on a table, the tellers have no form. Customers need to go to the form table to obtain one.

7 days was he number the teller uttered. Today when I got here, it became 8. They both used their fingers to count the days. Unreal.

The young female teller photocopied my passport. Reading it like a book. They ask me to sign like how it appear on the passport, not really a signature.

挂失单子师傅 isn’t in. It is locked by one person and he isn’t in. They’re calling him. 9:55.

Asking about tuition at lunch; someone owe them $$; went to Jiujiu they weren’t home – went to the Great Wall

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Jun 24 2014

Lu Xun Middle School

The school is a site for the city of Beijing summer regular high school exam, – 北京市夏季普通高中会考 考点
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