Geyuan Garden 个园

Geyuan Garden 个园 in Yangzhou is one of four major/best gardens in China

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Geyuan Garden sits on the north of Dongguan Street in Yangzhou, was rebuilt by General Manager Huang Zhiyun, a salt industry official on a ruin in 1818. It has many bamboos in the garden. The bamboo leaves shape like the Chinese character 个 (Ge, indivudual) hence the name.

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Phyllostachys vivax f. aureocalis, N.X.Ma 黄秆鸟哺鸡竹
Bambusa multiples (Lour) Raeuschel 孝顺竹 (I like this name better)

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There are four small rockeries constructed with distinct colorations representing the four different seasons: 四季假山 Season Rockery.

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