Tangshan Si 唐山寺

After lunch, we went to visit Tangshan Temple on Yaodu River (尧渡河上游四水交汇处丶秧畈村). My family has a deep root with this temple before the year 907 – this is the first place the Zhous huddled together, 这里是周氏家族最早的聚居地.

百科 唐山寺,又名千年唐山古刹,位于安徽省池州市东至县东至县花园里乡的深山峡谷中,始建于唐高宗显庆5年(公元660年),距今一千三百四十年之久,占地面积约76000平方米。唐山寺地处县城以南,背靠龙腾峰,面朝虎跃库。唐山寺内有全国重点文物舍利塔、赵朴初亲书匾额、周氏(周馥)宗祠石额、塔冡及石刻石碑记等。

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Main Hall 大雄宝殿 (zh wiki: 大雄殿,或简称大殿,日本称金堂、本堂,是漢傳佛教寺院或各類祭祀場所對主殿的慣常稱呼.)

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A tomb for Zhou Fu’s mom, by her great grandsons was behind the Main Hall, up the steep hill. Someone has put a grave above/behind, presumably illegally. I didn’t take any photos of it.

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Nostalgia: a well and washing board.

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We then left for Zhou Ancestral Hall 周氏宗祠 and the water reservoir.

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