Cement 神兽 & 翁仲

These cement statues lined the path to the tomb site with the broken memorial stele, may be translated as gargoyles (神兽 – 怪兽 too European?) or sentinel statues (翁仲- 定点雕像?).


Originally, there were six pairs: 4 翁仲 which are still standing but out of eight animals 神兽, there is only one remains:

  1. turtle 乌龟 – no more
  2. goat 羊 – no more
  3. tiger 虎 – one left
  4. horse 马 – no more
  5. sentinel statues of military attaches 武官 (翁仲 baike = 文/武官)
  6. sentinel statues of civil officials 文官

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