The old Beijing Library

7 Wenjin Street

This was the old library of Peking or China: Imperial Library of Peking 京师图书馆, founded in 1909. It had moved to Purple Bamboo Park in Haidian District in 1987 and renamed to National Library of China, NLC.

2018.4.15: the NLC is in the background; The rest of the photos are from my cousin Zhou Hong. 其余照片来自表姐周红.

这个专门收藏旧书古籍馆,位于北京市西城区文津街7号,是前北图/国图: 1909 京师图书馆在广化寺, 1928 北平图书馆, 选在此地 1931年开馆时是远东最大及先进的图书馆. 1987 搬到白石桥 1999年成为国家图书馆的一部分. 2005年这个旧址成为国图古籍馆.


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