Madama Butterfly @ Sarasota

61 North Pineapple Avenue
Sarasota, FL 34236

The opera house was opened in 1926. The city’s population is 54,842 population (2020 census), which 77.7% are white, 2.1% Asian. The donors. Great Neck, with population of 40,000, its public high school puts out a full production of an opera every year. Comparing to GN, Sarasota’s down town is decidedly livelier and busier.

The production of this 1904 Puccini’s is very decent. The set is bit busy. Not sure getting a little boy is a good idea. I don’t see any up side of having him. The opera runs well into 10:30 and he’s missing his bed time. The singers made curtain call after every act. Gosh, they sure do love to hear applauses.

The singers. Soprano Raquel Gonz??? 

↑ another post cut off by DreamHost!

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