Ushuaia 乌斯怀亚
fin del mundo the end of the world sign by the port of Ushuaia. Our ship Diana is left most. More pix on Google Maps.
The end of the world. The capital of Tierra del Fuego. Population 82,615 (2022 census).
~ the airport USH
~ tourist port
~ El Viejo Marino
It’s a little less than 3.5 hours flight from Buenos Aires.
The city reminds me of Alaska and Reykjavik – duh -:).
Hard Rock Cafe on Av Maipu/Maipú ↓ and on Diana
This young lady is a local contract worker, who is on our bus, both times. She’s outgoing and chatty. Swan (or local contractor) hires her only to help out at the airport, taking us to and from the ship. She asked where we’re from. For simplify, I said New York. Sorry Florida … I don’t mean to overlook you!
Her eyes lighted up, “Oh I was there for a week a few years ago.”
“Really? How did you like it?”
“Oh I LOVE it! Wish I could go back.”
“DO go.” I egg her on.
She just smiled. Did I detect a little 无奈 She seems like a girl with ambition, that’s bit too big for Ushuaia.
随遇而安 Take things as they come is an idiom. I suppose immigrants like me are somewhat ambitious? Who am I to say a frog in a well 井底之蛙 isn’t happy?
Ok, the backdrop of the town is the snow capped Martial Range. The front is our cruise ships on the Beagle Channel, and oh, howling wind.
Av. Prefectura Naval Argentina is on the water, that leads to the cruise port. There is Tia Elvira, a king crab restaurant that a friend has recommended but unfortunately it closes on Sundays. MEF Museo del Fin del Mundo, End of the World Museum
Av. Maipu is their main street. There is a Hard Rock Cafe, didn’t see a McDonald (maybe I missed it…)
We travel light: carryon only. So the first thing after landing is to hunt for a bottle of Listerine, the mouth wash. Finally found a supermarket that is open, and sells it.
我们出游总是轻装上阵: 就一件携带行李. 因此, 每到一个地方后第一件事就是寻找李施德林(Listerine)漱口水.
昨天的远征也不容易 主要星期天很多地方都不上班.
一靓仔哥介绍吃帝王蟹的餐馆也不开门 简直走鸡 哦 应该是走蟹
吃完闭门羹之后就继续我们的漱口水远征. We’d dine at El Viejo after the Antarctic trip
Wind 💨
Wind 🌬️
and more Howling wind at Ushuaia
昨天启航前 风继续吹 … 想念哥哥喔 虽二风是风马牛 (风马牛不相及) [偷笑]
小说明 码头上的白色条是给行人走的. 当有人想走近船时 警卫不停的吹口哨 警告我们回白条… 不想行人被吹进海里. 还真是 劲风呼啸 轻飘飘的 亦步亦趋 等下一个小风才敢迈步向前… 当时就想 … 为啥要减肥呀 以前的300磅 该有多美好啊😆