Mar 31 2020

A post office

Thie one was built in 1939. They’re protected with a clear plastic. A small parcel to China cost $67.25. Flag in 2015, in Oct 2015.


Mar 31 2020

Bottled history

I was disappointed to see the long line at Trader Joe’s, so I went to Total Wine, instead. There are many jokes of what wine could do to your health. So, it’s appropriated.

No gloves but a wet wipe stand by the entrance. The store is not busy, not much different from a normal weekday noon.

As I was looking to pick up some 7 Deadly Zins of CA and then I spotted this Aussie’s 19 Crimes. A dozen more sins.

The nineteen crimes refers to the criminals in Britain who didn’t want to die, so they were sentenced to live in Australia as a punishment, rather than facing death, since 1788 or so.

Quite a different story nowadays, the land for the outlaws becomes one of the most desirable countries on the planet.

Mar 31 2020

The grocers

96 Bond Street
Westbury, NY

Recently, on the face of the corona virus, many grocers in New York are offering pick up or delivery. I went to one this morning. The group was formed yesterday by a distributor. They provide a shopping list and you tick off the items and quantities. Picking it up at an allotted time with 15 min window. It suits me perfectly. I back in and the lady loaded my stuff, within 12 minutes.

Padding up my resume [偷笑]

车退进库房 … 上卸货

最近我们周围有很多好心人. 成立食品供应群. 谢谢亲 拉俺!

下单后 得到帐单和第二天去取的时间
倒车 开后车厢 上货. 唯一不方便是还不能转帐 (他们昨天才刚刚开始)要现金

这对俺 没有口罩族是非常方便

在美国扫货 口罩

Then I headed off to Trader Joe’s. Unfortunately, the outdoor line was so long, it bent over to my right, which is Old Navy.