My first trip to Dongzhi
My genealogy trip to Dongzhi county 东至县 started off on the wrong foot: I was taken to the wrong train station by the relative who purchased the ticket. Yes, I missed the train. Should have been Shanghai Station instead of Hongqiao. It’s as much my fault too, for not checking! I ended up going on a standing ticket – the only ticket available, and 1:24 hour late.
In 2019: a tradition in the making …
寻根的开始从去错火车站开始. 下一班的车只有站票: 三小时的行程, 够诚心的吧?也许是自我惩罚. 已经有人问 “为什么这么蠢?!” (所以您别再问了… 咱弱小心灵的承受能力有限哈.)
A friend sent a friend to pick me up. Since we’ve never met and I’m not too bright, he printed this huge sign and held it up … it’s very comic – mind you, Hefei train station isn’t Beijing or Shanghai, not crowded at all. Actually it’s very empty, like in Ji’Nan (relatives have told me that high speed train stations in provincial cities are in general, empty). He’s very tall, a former soccer player, practically the only one in the empty hall, and holding a sign (I’m debating if I should show this picture – this is a solid prove of my IQ …) 有帅哥来接 破涕为笑😂:空旷的大厅,帅哥又是高大,加上举个牌子 … (近百里都能看到…) 情景有点好笑 … 想是朋友觉得咱的智能有问题… 不突出点怕俺看不到…
The drive to Dongzhi is two and half hours – yes, should have gone to Anqing station instead; again, my IQ is bit … An ad for men.
As soon as we pulled into the hotel parking lot, the welcoming committee (couldn’t come up with a better name) rushed over. I was deeply moved 很感动: 帅哥司机说,局长周国良问他开什么车. 我们都有点莫名其妙. 但是一进酒店的停车场就看到欢迎的亲人… 用心良苦. A big dinner followed. After dinner, we had a little chat till the restaurant closed.
The following day, Sunday, the whirlwind journey began, which ended on Monday.
- Google map
- The reception hall 接官厅
- The Cement Dam 洋灰坝 built by Zhou Xuexi, w/ 油菜
- Zhou Fu’s tomb; the gargoyles 神兽 & 翁仲 and the stele 碑刻
- The tomb caretaker Mr. Chen Qinlie 陈勤烈 & lunch
- Tangshan Si 唐山寺 – 周家最早的聚居地
- Zhou Ancestral Hall 周氏宗祠 & the reservior
- The tomb of Mrs. Zhou 吴太夫人 & 3 girls
- MD’s wife’s tomb 陈夫人 yellow dirt
- Zhou Xuexi’s bridge 万善桥
- The site of Fu’s home and the ruins
- Capping the day with a home dinner & foot warmer
- The 2nd day .. tomb of the last girl @ Meishan
The traffic sign below should be 应该是 Zhou Fu, not Zhoufu.
A few random scenes of Dongzh. Some local reportage of my visits:
- 03.14, ChizNews 池州日报 – 东至: 周馥玄外孙女张凝女士回乡寻根问祖 by 丁德芬 Ding Defen
- 03.15, Dongzhi County 东至人民政府, 周馥玄外孙女张凝女士回乡寻根问祖 by 东宣/马民新 马特使 Ma Minxin
- 03.15, ah.ifeng 凤凰网 周馥后裔、美国纽约自由撰稿人张凝到东至县寻根问祖 by 马民新 图/文
- 03.16, weixin 东至县广播电视台 周馥后裔回乡寻根问祖
- 03.16, iDongzhi 东至人网 周馥后裔、美国纽约自由撰稿人张凝到东至县寻根问祖, by 马特别使节 (你懂哈)
- 03.21, qZone.QQ 结识一位